Wednesday, October 19, 2022


 Dairy innovation


Every year, a new development impacts the dairy industry. This year is no exception. There are plenty of new trends that can allow us to gain a better understanding of what our next move should be to bring customers exactly what they need. 

However, many of these trends are quite useless for small and medium-sized farms. So we decided to pick out only the most suitable trends for you to save your time and effort.

dairy eco-friendly movement


The main trend is dictated by the eco-friendly movement that’s been going on for years now. Small and medium-sized farms are already quite sustainable because they don’t have huge factories or herds that cause a negative impact on the environment. But there is always room for improvement.

Research from 2020 shows that 67% of consumers care about the health of our planet, and they prefer producers that have the same outlook. We can be sure that this number has only grown since then. Therefore, it’s vital to analyze the way you manage your farm and adjust it to the expectations of consumers.

51% of U.S. consumers care about animal welfare and wish to support farms that provide their animals with good conditions. So that would be a good place to start your journey toward sustainability. You can take a look at the way your kettle is handled and see if you can make any changes to make it less stressed and happier. Find inspiration from all those funny videos of cows scratching their backs on special brushes and playing with toys in a field. 

By the way, if you film your kettle having fun, it could be some nice social media content to promote your farm.

Thoughtful waste disposal, planting cover crops, protecting water and soil, and other ways to reduce your carbon footprint could also represent steps toward an even greener farm. 

dairy for mental health

Cognitive and mental health

The COVID-19 pandemic wreaked havoc on many people’s mental health. With more free time on our hands, we contemplated how to improve it. While it might not be the most obvious solution, dairy can have a positive impact on our mental health. Numerous studies show that more protein in our diet helps us be less anxious and depressed. Dairy is rich in protein. Also, milk contains the amino acid tryptophan that helps us sleep better, thus allowing us to feel more rested and improving our mental state.

It’s a good idea to market your dairy from this perspective since people keep looking for ways to improve their cognitive abilities and mental health. And we might see an increased demand for the main dairy foods because of this trend.

Learn from the experience of other farmers! Read this story about a small dairy farm in Norway to find new ideas for your workflow:

dairy for physical health

Physical health

Who doesn’t want to be healthy? Stress, fast food and the fast pace of life, amplified by the fact that people have less time and energy for exercise, impact our health negatively. Dairy is one of the best solutions for strengthening our bones, improving gut health and digestion, keeping our cardiovascular system in a good shape and much more. You can read about all the health benefits of dairy in one of our previous articles.

By raising awareness of the health benefits of dairy, small and medium-sized farms can attract more local consumers who are seeking ways to improve their wellbeing. If you aren’t selling yogurt and other fermented dairies yet, you should think about doing that, as these foods have even more health benefits. It’s easy to create fermented dairy using suitable bacteria and a milk pasteurizer

Check out our range of milk pasteurizers to find the one that fits the volume of dairy you produce. If you’re struggling to make the right choice, just drop us a line and we will help you out!

dairy products packaging


This trend of dairy farming in the U.S. refers to the sustainability movement. Consumers want the packaging of their products to be more eco-friendly and, in the best-case scenario, reusable. The top dairy producers have to come up with something new to cater to this requirement because it’s not easy for them to offer reusable packaging. But small and medium-sized farms have a simple solution: good old glass jars. 

In all likelihood, you are already using them as packaging for your dairy products. You can also encourage your customers to bring the jars back to you so that you can clean them properly and reuse them. To assure them that this is safe, you can tell them in detail about the cleaning process and even show them how it works. Reusable packaging is a great way to sell more dairy in 2022.

Thinking about adding more machines to your farm? Check out our guide on milk processing equipment for small and medium-sized farms:

dairy business digitization


This trend is huge in every industry—not only for milk farms in the U.S. Businesses around the world are doing their best to digitalize their processes in order to make them more efficient and better market their products. While implementing this tendency in a small or medium-sized dairy farm can be tricky, there are digital solutions that can ease your work.

From robotic milking to AI predictions and digital-based cattle management, technology can simplify the processes on your farm. That is precisely what it was created for: to take some of the load off our shoulders. Try searching for some solutions you could implement on your farm that would make your everyday routine easier for you as well as reduce the costs of your processes.

“Are You Ready for Running a Small Dairy Business?” Checklist

These are trends that are affecting the dairy industry in 2022. Some of them might be not new to you, as they’re influenced by tendencies that already existed before. And some may seem too difficult to implement into your workflow. However, something being a trend doesn’t mean you absolutely have to try it. On the other hand, it never hurts to find new ways to improve things both in terms of the work you need to do and the revenue you bring in. 

So look at this list of trends as tips and inspiration for upgrading your dairy farm and getting more customers.

Tuesday, October 11, 2022


 Homemade milk soap


We all know how good milk and dairy products are for our health and skin. We even have an article about all their benefits (you can read it here). So why not take your relationship with milk to the next level and start using it directly on your skin? Humans have used it to improve their skin for ages. One famous example is Cleopatra’s milk bath.

That’s why we’ve decided to share this simple and foolproof milk soap recipe that doesn’t require any special skill or much time to make. Enjoy!

How to make homemade milk soap

How to make your own milk soap

Here is the list of ingredients you’ll need:

  • 9 oz (or 255 grams) milk — You can use any whole milk, not just from cows.
  • 4.3 oz (or 122 grams) lye (sodium hydroxide) — This is your milk base.
  • optional: 1 1/2 tsp sodium lactate — To help harden the soap.
  • 22 oz (or 624 grams) olive oil — Moisturizes the skin and improves your complexion.
  • 8 oz (or 227 grams) coconut oil — Reduces inflammation.
  • 1 oz (or 28 grams) castor oil — Stimulates the production of collagen.

You can use a different soap base if you prefer. Just find out how much of it you need to use and all the details about its shelf life as well as the way it might react with other ingredients. Soap bases are usually universal and easily interchangeable, so you shouldn’t have any problems with swapping lye for some other soap base.

Step 1

First, you need to freeze the milk so that it has a slushy consistency. The best way to do that is by pouring the milk into ice cube trays for faster freezing. This will protect the sugars in the milk from scorching.

Step 2

Add the lye to the milk bit by bit and begin to thaw it. Don’t rush this step. You want the lye to melt into the milk and get distributed properly. The milk might become yellow or get a funky smell during this step. That’s completely normal. Once you’ve added all the lye, stir the mixture from the bottom to ensure that the lye is evenly distributed. Check for particles. If there aren’t any, put the mixture aside.

Step 3

Mix all the oils in a separate bowl or container. Make sure they’re combined very well. If the coconut oil is too solid for this, heat it very briefly just to melt it. All the oils should be at room temperature.

Step 4

Sodium hydroxide is extremely dangerous, so make sure to use safety gloves, glasses and work under the hood to avoid getting these particles on your skin or in your eyes. Slowly pour the milk and lye mixture into the oil mixture. You can use a hand blender with a whisk tool for this. Just be careful and switch to manual mixing from time to time to prevent the incorporation of air into the mixture. There should be no bubbles in it. Work the mixture very well until the oils are completely incorporated and you can’t see them. At this point, you can also add a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil. Just be careful when it comes to adding more scents to soap because milk has its own distinct smell.

Step 5

All that’s left to do now is to pour the mixture into molds and let it set. There is no need to cure this soap. It will harden by itself. If you want your soap to look whiter, put it in the freezer for 24 hours and then take it out and leave it at room temperature for 24-48 hours. For a browner shade, just leave it out at room temperature for 24 hours after pouring it into the molds.

Your homemade milk soap is now ready!

Storing and using homemade soap

Storing and using homemade soap

The soap made by following this recipe will be good for up to two years. You don’t have to worry about it going bad. However, if you added any botanicals or other ingredients that can spoil faster, you should calculate the shelf life of soap based on what you have added. And, yes, you can customize this soap by adding other ingredients! Just be careful with the way ingredients react to each other and don’t add too many oils. If you want to add another oil to our recipe, add a smaller amount of one of the listed oils. Excess oil will make soap too soft.

how to store soap

Store your soap in a dry, cool and dark place wrapped in plastic wrap. You can also put it in a zipper bag or use shrink plastic. Just be careful to not melt the soap while you’re packaging it. If you wrap and store your homemade soap and you haven’t added any ingredients that spoil fast, it might have an even longer shelf life than two years. It might change its color a bit, but it will be good to use nevertheless.

Benefits of milk soap

Benefits of milk soap

Milk soap, whether it’s homemade or store-bought, has many benefits thanks to the milk itself. With that said, when you make the soap at home, you know exactly what’s in it. This might be important if you have sensitive skin.

It’s gentle

It’s gentle

Milk soap is a gentle cleanser, especially if it’s made at home with the recipe we provided above. It doesn’t strip the skin of its natural oils and thus does not damage its protective barrier. The milk and oils in the soap might actually help to strengthen that barrier.

Moisturizing and anti-inflammatory

Moisturizing and anti-inflammatory benefits

Homemade milk soap moisturizes the skin and helps reduce inflammation thanks to the selenium, fatty acids and cholesterol that milk contains. So using it might help with some skin issues. However, you should remember that soap itself is just a cleanser and you need to use other products such as serums and creams to manage any skin problems you experience.

In addition to that, milk contains vitamin A (also known as retinol), which is famous for its anti-aging and brightening effects. 

Milk, along with all the oils added to it to make soap, improves the lipid barrier of the skin and helps keep it moisturized, healthy and resistant to the impact of external factors such as sun and air pollution. Yet, as we’ve already said, soap is just a cleanser. Always use sunscreen when you walk outside during the day. And if you live in an area with highly polluted air, look up some creams that protect the skin from such damage.

Soft exfoliation of milk soap

Soft exfoliation

Milk contains alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) such as lactic acid that play the role of exfoliators. AHAs are widely used to treat acne, scars and hyperpigmentation caused either by the sun or by aging. They remove dead skin cells, boost the production of collagen and give the skin a more youthful and better complexion. Keep in mind that you can’t really know how much of these acids are in the milk you’ve used. Also, homemade milk soap can never be as effective as specialty products containing these acids. So you shouldn’t expect any dramatic effects. However, that’s good news as well—especially if you’re going to use your soap daily. Too much exfoliation damages the protective barrier of the skin. For this reason, you might want to avoid overusing your homemade milk soap.

Milk soap promotes a healthy microbiome

Promotes a healthy microbiome

Every living thing has a microbiome (i.e. a world of bacteria). And our skin has one as well. Healthy bacteria help keep our skin healthy. But the environment and our eating habits might disrupt this microbiome. Since milk is the main ingredient of this homemade soap, it can improve the microbiome of your skin, thus making it healthier and more resistant to external factors.

Might help with acne

Might help with acne

One form of acne treatment is thorough cleaning because acne spreads through certain bacteria. This homemade milk soap is a gentle yet effective cleanser that can help stop the growth and spread of this bacteria. It’s important to use gentle cleansers if you struggle with acne because harsh soaps strip the skin of its natural oils. The skin will then try to regain its balance and begin to produce more oils, which will lead to clogged pores and even more acne.

Are you ready for small dairy business?

The AHAs exfoliate the skin, improving the cleansing effect and helping reduce acne while improving the overall condition of the skin. And the moisturizing effect of the milk soap will maintain the moisture balance of your skin, helping it to heal from acne. Again, the soap itself is not a remedy and you need to use other products to get rid of acne effectively. 

We hope you will enjoy this homemade milk soap! Along with eating healthy and using other products, it can help you get that healthy and glowing skin we all dream of.

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

How Dairy Products Impact Your Health and Beauty

 The debate on whether dairy is good or bad for you never seems to end. Well, we’ve also decided to take part in this conversation. There are a lot of different beliefs surrounding this topic. However, many of them aren’t based on some substantial scientific evidence but rather on the personal preferences and health differences of each human being.

In this article, we will highlight all the benefits of dairy as well as the negative impacts it might have on your health and beauty.

Is dairy good or bad?

Is dairy good or bad?

Here’s a quick answer: If you’re not lactose-intolerant, dairy is good for you. Even if you are, though, there is an abundance of lactose-free dairy to be found. You can also get lactase (an enzyme that basically eats lactose sugar) at a pharmacy. Just take it before consuming dairy and you’re good to go.

If you’re one of the lucky people without lactose intolerance, dairy can have a positive impact both on your health and looks. It improves your bone density and gut health. It can strengthen your nails and hair and improve your complexion as well.

Dairy products planner

Of course, everything is only good in moderation. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans encourage people to consume three servings of dairy daily. That’s how much milk you should drink a day. But if you drink more of it, you might encounter negative consequences. So chugging milk without consideration won’t help you become healthier—especially considering that our bodies can only digest so many nutrients and vitamins. The excess will just leave the system naturally. In the worst-case scenario, you might get nutrient and vitamin overdose symptoms.

Now, let’s take a look at all the benefits and possible risks in detail.

Dairy and health

In this section, we will take a look at the health benefits of milk and dairy as well as their drawbacks.

Health benefits of dairy

Health benefits of dairy

Dairy has many benefits. If you were wondering whether milk and cheese have protein, the answer is yes, they do. Quite a lot of it. So if you’re trying to gain muscle without going over your calorie limit, dairy is a great option. There are just 90-150 calories in a cup of milk, and you can check the calorie value of your favorite yogurts, cheeses and other dairy products for more information.

Another good thing about dairy is the high amount of vitamins and micronutrients it contains. The most significant ones are vitamins B12, B7, B2, magnesium and, of course, calcium. The latter is very important for keeping our bodies running well and improving bone density. It’s especially vital for women to consume enough calcium, as they keep building their bones up until menopause. So it’s good to keep that bone-building going in order to be ready for menopause. Pregnancy can have a negative impact on bone density too.

Dairy can also reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke

Dairy can also reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke thanks to the fatty acids it contains. However, if you already have issues with your cardiovascular system, you should talk to your doctor about your dairy intake.

Casein and the whey proteins found in dairy improve the mineral absorption of our bodies and serve as anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative remedies. This can benefit both the health and condition of your skin.

Fermented dairy has an even more positive impact on our health thanks to the bacteria it contains. It can help with gut health and improve digestion. Honestly, we’ve tested this on ourselves and can say with confidence that even a cup of good yogurt or kefir makes your gut work much better.

Finally, dairy helps to repair muscle. It benefits post-exercise muscle synthesis and re-hydrates our muscles, thus bringing us more results from our workouts and making that post-workout soreness lighter and faster to go away.

Read our guide to healthy breakfasts with dairy:

Health risks of dairy

We’ve already mentioned that if you have some issues with your cardiovascular system, you should talk to your doctor about whether you should consume dairy and what kinds of it you should focus on. 

One of the biggest issues with milk—especially if you get it from unreliable sources—is that it might be contaminated with hormones, antibiotics and pesticides. Thanks to the latest regulations, dairy producers are now more careful with such things, so the amount of contaminated milk is much lower. However, if you get dairy from a local farm, inform yourself about its approach.

You should be careful with dairy paired with sugar and processed products. When we consume dairy, our bodies begin to break down the protein it contains and turn it into something similar to insulin hormones. Mix that with sugary and processed foods, and you’ll get an even higher level of insulin, as your body will try to deal with the sugar levels. A high level of insulin leads to inflammation that will disrupt your health and affect your skin. That’s why you should be careful with all those fruity yogurts, ice cream and other dairy mixed with sugar.

Here’s how to reduce the amount of sugar in your dairy:

health risk of dairy product

Then there’s lactose intolerance. If you feel unwell after consuming dairy, get bloated and gassy, and your bowel movements become irregular, you might be intolerant to lactose. As we’ve already said, try lactose-free dairy or the lactase enzyme. With that said, not all dairy products will make you feel bad—even if they contain lactose. Many people wonder, “Does yogurt have lactose?” The majority of fermented dairy products do not have large concentrations of the lactose. Greek yogurt, for example, contains very little lactose if made correctly. But you can’t really be sure if it was made correctly.

You can make your own fermented dairy at home using lactose-eating bacteria and our milk pasteurizers. This way, you will know for sure your dairy is safe to consume. Check out our range of milk pasteurizers and pick the one that fits your needs. If you’re struggling to identify which one is right for you, just drop us a line and we will help you.

Can you gain weight by consuming dairy?

Dairy is fairly low in calories, so if you consume it in moderation, you won’t gain weight just from that. Remember that we gain weight when we continuously consume more calories than we spend. If dairy becomes a part of your healthy diet that stays within your calorie needs, you will not gain weight. Moreover, you might even lose a bit, as dairy improves digestion and thus has a positive impact on your metabolism.

dairy for beauty

Dairy and beauty

We’ve mentioned that the vitamins and micronutrients in dairy improve the condition of our nails and hair. They can have a good impact on our skin as well. While there is a belief that dairy causes acne and skin inflammation, research is still ongoing on this topic. Dairy contains retinol and vitamin D, which are among the most popular anti-aging and anti-inflammatory remedies. Calcium, potassium, chlorides, sodium, magnesium, phosphor and other trace elements in dairy help to speed up cell regeneration, and the vitamins in dairy keep our skin moisturized and improve our complexion.

On the other hand, everyone’s body is different, and you should try staying off dairy for a while if you struggle with skin issues. If it helps, then not consuming dairy is right for you. If it doesn’t, then there is a problem with something else. If it helps, then dairy likely raises your insulin-like growth factor-1. Some studies show that people who struggle with acne tend to have an increased level of this hormone. Keep in mind that you should also be careful with mixing dairy and sugar. Increased levels of insulin can cause inflammation, and sooner or later, that will manifest itself as skin issues.

Interestingly enough, skimmed milk usually causes more skin issues than whole milk. Maybe that’s because of those fatty acids we were talking about in the health section. We have detailed articles about skimmed milk and whether it’s better than full-fat milk.

Dairy is mostly beneficial for both our health and beauty, so enjoy it if you don’t have any issues that come from consuming it.

Tuesday, September 27, 2022


 Do you want to improve your digestion and gut health, make your bones stronger and even lose weight? Then you should add kefir to your daily diet!

Kefir might sound somewhat exotic to you, but we believe you should try to include this drink in your diet—especially if you’re familiar with kombucha or other fermented foods. The taste is quite mild and kefir brings so many health benefits to the table.


What is kefir?

Kefir is a fermented milk drink that originated in North Caucasus. It is very popular in Asia and Eastern Europe. It has a thick, creamy and slightly bubbly fermented texture as well as a mild sour taste. You can drink kefir as is, add your favorite sweetener to it or even use it for cooking pancakes, baking and more!

Craving some ice cream

Craving some ice cream? Make it at home! Here is how:

Health benefits of kefir

This drink offers many health benefits.

Health benefits of kefir

It contains many nutrients

Here are all the nutrients contained in just one cup of kefir:

  • Protein: 9 grams
  • Calcium: 24% of the daily recommended value 
  • Phosphorus: 20% of the daily recommended value
  • Vitamin B12: 29% of the daily recommended value
  • Riboflavin (B2): 25% of the daily recommended value
  • Magnesium: 7% of the daily recommended value
  • Vitamin D: 12% of the daily recommended value

Yes, all this goodness is in just one cup of this drink! You basically can replace your multi-nutrient supplement with kefir.

It’s a powerful probiotic

We’re somewhat used to yogurt being a probiotic, and it is a good one. Kefir just happens to be even more powerful. Kefir grains contain up to 61 strains of bacteria and yeasts. This makes the drink a very rich and diverse source of probiotics—especially compared to other fermented dairy products that usually contain fewer strains and no yeasts. That’s why kefir is so good for your gut health.

Kefir significantly improves digestive function, reduces bloating and even speeds up your metabolism so that your body can process food faster. That’s why doctors in Eastern Europe and Asia often recommend that patients with gut illnesses add kefir to their diet.

Dairy products planner

It helps you fight infections

It’s getting better and better, isn’t it? Kefir is a true superfood that can also help protect against harmful bacteria thanks to the Lactobacillus kefiri probiotic it contains. It can help you fight Salmonella, Helicobacter pylori, E. coli and other harmful bacteria. Also, kefir contains a type of carbohydrate called Kefiran that improves your protection against nasty bacteria.

It strengthens bones and prevents osteoporosis

As a great source of calcium and vitamin K2—the latter helps the body process calcium—kefir is an ideal drink to keep your bones healthy. It improves the quality of bone tissue, thus making your bones denser and stronger. As a result, kefir can make you less prone to fractures.

Thanks to this, kefir also can reduce the risk of osteoporosis (a deterioration of bone tissue that increases the risk of fractures). This illness is a very big concern in Western countries—especially for older women. So it’s great news that a single cup of kefir per day can help prevent bone density issues.

suitable for lactose-intolerant people

It’s suitable for lactose-intolerant people

Thanks to the fermentation process, the lactose sugar that milk contains turns into lactic acid. That’s why people who suffer from lactose intolerance can surprisingly find themselves feeling OK after consuming kefir. 

Of course, bear in mind that the fermentation process doesn’t make kefir a completely lactose-free drink. It just significantly reduces the amount of lactose sugar, which is the cause of lactose-intolerance symptoms. If kefir from cow’s milk still makes you experience discomfort, you can try goat or sheep kefir since milk from these animals contains less lactose sugar than milk from cows. And if the issue still bothers you, it’s always possible to make kefir from plant-based milk.


It may ease allergy and asthma symptoms

Both asthma and allergies are caused by an inflammatory process. Research shows that kefir can reduce inflammation in the body. Therefore, it might be helpful for people who struggle with allergies and asthma. However, the research is incomplete and we wouldn’t recommend putting too much faith in kefir in this case.

Nevertheless, this dairy drink can definitely become a useful and healthy addition to your diet.

It can help you lose weight

While being highly nutritious, kefir is low in calories. One cup contains about 104 calories, 11.6 grams of carbs and 2-3 grams of fat (depending on the type of milk used to make it). Despite being a low-calorie drink, kefir is incredibly filling too. So if you feel hungry at night and don’t want to binge-eat, a cup of kefir can save the day.

We’ve mentioned that kefir can help speed up your metabolism. Here is a little tip for you: Try adding one teaspoon each of ginger powder and cinnamon per cup of kefir (depending on your tolerance of these spices). Such a drink can greatly boost your metabolism and help you stay fit.

How to make kefir at home

Now, let’s see how you can make this dairy drink at home. The process is fairly straightforward. Frankly, it is quite difficult to mess it up.

How to make kefir at home

You will need:

  • 1 pint of milk of your choice
  • ½ tsp kefir grains
  • 1 slice of lemon or 1 drop of lemon oil (optional)
  • A fine-mesh non-metal strainer 
  • A non-metal bowl
  • Paper towels or coffee filters (or a clip-top jar)

Step 1

Add the milk and kefir grains to a jar. Cover the jar with paper towels or coffee filters and secure them with a rubber band. This will help prevent bugs and dust from getting into your kefir. If you’re using a clip-top jar, you will just need to close the lid without using any paper towels or coffee filters.

Step 2

Put the jar in a warm and dark place. The temperature should be 65-85°F (18-29°C). Leave the mixture to ferment for 18-24 hours. It’s easy to tell when your kefir has already fermented. The mixture will be thicker and smell of fermented food. If there is yellowish liquid that has separated from everything else, that’s OK. It just means that next time you will need to either use more milk or reduce the fermentation time.

Step 3

Place a strainer over a bowl. It’s important to use non-metal items because metal can negatively impact the quality and taste of kefir. If you don’t have a non-metal strainer or its mesh is not fine enough, you can put a thin kitchen towel inside. 

Pour your kefir mixture into the strainer while stirring it with a non-metal spoon, gently pushing it through the mesh. When all the liquid appears in the bowl, you will be left with kefir grains in your strainer. Just add them to another pint of milk and you can start the fermentation process all over again.

Step 4

It’s time to consume your homemade kefir! Drink it plain or add lemon slices or lemon oil for some additional freshness. You can play around with mint and sweeteners as well. Adjust the kefir to your taste without any worries. 

Homemade kefir will stay fresh in the fridge for 7-10 days. If you somehow manage to store your kefir for longer, there is no need to throw it away. Use it as a base for fluffy pancakes or cake batter!

An alternative method

While kefir doesn’t need as much warmth as, say, yogurt to ferment, it can be tricky to keep it at the required temperature during the winter and summer. Also, not everyone might like the fermentation smell passing through the paper towels or coffee filters you used to cover the jar. 

A milk pasteurizer will automatically keep the mixture within the required temperature range while also protecting it from any dust or bugs. You can also use this machine to make yogurt and other fermented dairy products. And of course, it’s irreplaceable for properly pasteurizing fresh milk. As you might know, all fermented dairy foods require you to use pasteurized milk, as any foreign bacteria might spoil the process or be harmful to you. So if you want to make fresh milk safe without killing all the nutrients it contains by boiling it, a milk pasteurizer is a must-have for your kitchen.

how to make yogurt in a milk pasteurizer

Learn how to make yogurt in a milk pasteurizer at home:

You can check out all the milk pasteurizers we offer to find the one that fits your needs. If you need any help with choosing one, we are always ready to assist you. Just drop us a line!

We hope you will enjoy your homemade kefir and it brings you numerous health benefits!

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Tuesday, September 20, 2022


Humanity is used to the idea of consuming animal-derived milk and dairy. We’ve been enjoying it since 8,000-10,000 BC. It’s been a cornerstone of our diets for ages. We value dairy for all the health benefits it brings, from filling us with energy to helping us build strong bones, develop muscles, improve our gut health and more. Milk boosts our immune system and works as an anti-inflammatory remedy and a probiotic.

Milk is still a very important part of the diet of people around the world—especially in poorer countries since it is a valuable source of calories and can help prevent issues in malnourished children. Many of us also just appreciate the taste of dairy products.

With that said, plant-based milk and dairy have become overwhelmingly popular lately. Today, cafes are expected to offer a range of plant-based milks for you to put in your coffee. And the amount of dairy products made of plant-based milk has increased significantly. In many places, it’s possible to find ice cream, fermented dairy, cheeses and other products made of plant-based milk.

In this article, we will try to figure out if plant-based milk can replace animal-derived milk in terms of health benefits.

Rich in caseins, proteins, amino acids, fatty acids and numerous vitamins and micronutrients

Animal-derived milk—processing and nutritional value

The value of animal milk is hard to overestimate. It’s clearly beneficial and it’s considered to be important to consume for a good reason. This product is rich in proteins, amino acids, fatty acids and numerous vitamins and micronutrients. We’ve recently conducted extensive research on all the health benefits and nutritional value of animal-derived milk. You can check it out here.

But there is another side of milk. When unpasteurized, it can cause health issues due to the harmful microorganisms it might contain. That’s why it’s mandatory in most countries to pasteurize milk gathered for sale. Small farms must pasteurize their dairy too—even if they’re selling it to just a couple of people. However, many people who gather milk for their own use avoid this step (usually because they believe that pasteurization makes milk less beneficial for their health and worsens its taste).

Here are our thoughts on whether pasteurized milk is better or worse than raw milk:

While that might be true, it largely depends on the method of pasteurization. The best one is Ultra-High Temperature (UHT) pasteurization. It requires heating milk to 135-150°C for just a few seconds. This method allows you to preserve as many nutrients and vitamins as possible and doesn’t change the milk’s taste. 

It’s easy to pasteurize milk at home with a pasteurizer. You can also use this machine to make fermented dairy products! Check out our range of pasteurizers if you want to get one for your kitchen. And if you have any issues with choosing the most suitable one, you can always reach out to us.

Why do people switch to plant-based milk?

plant-based milk can also bring many health benefits.

As we learn more about all the benefits of animal-derived milk, a few questions arise: Why has plant-based milk become so popular? Why do people choose it instead of animal-derived milk? The simple answer is that plant-based milk can also bring many health benefits.

But there are other reasons why people switch to such milk. First of all, they might want to stop consuming animal-derived products altogether and go vegan for their own reasons. Secondly, some might simply like the taste of plant-based milk better. 

Another reason would be lactose intolerance. People who are allergic to lactose (sugar that is found in milk) experience many unpleasant symptoms when consuming animal-derived dairy. That’s why they turn to plant-based alternatives. However, there are so many options for lactose-free animal-derived dairy that you don’t necessarily have to give up the taste and texture of traditional dairy.

Benefits of plant-based milk

Lastly, with vegetarian and vegan diets becoming so popular, plant-based milk has become trendy as well. As a result, some people switch to these drinks with the sole goal of following something that is considered to be in vogue. 

Benefits of plant-based milk

Plant-based milk can be divided into five types:

  • Cereal-based
  • Legume-based
  • Nut-based
  • Seed-based
  • Pseudocereal-based

Obviously, the health benefits of each type of plant-based milk come from the products each milk alternative is made of. For legumes, the benefits are that they’re rich in carbs, proteins, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Chickpeas are full of fibers, monosaccharides, disaccharides and oligosaccharides. Soy contains a lot of carbs, proteins, lipids, fatty acids and amino acids.

Dairy innovation

Seeds contain animal-like proteins (when heated, enzymatically treated or presented with acids, they behave like those found in animal-derived milk). Pumpkin seeds have a lot of lipids, protein and carbs. Flaxseed is rich in fatty acids. Often, seed-based milk is made of sesame seeds, but it’s not a very advantageous animal milk alternative, as sesame seeds lose quite a lot of health benefits when processed to become plant-based milk. When fermented with lactic acid β-glucosidase, though, sesame milk gains quite a strong antioxidant effect. That’s why it’s best to use this drink for making fermented dairy alternatives.

Cereal milk is quite popular too. Oats are high in fiber, vitamin E, β-glucan and polyunsaturated fatty acids. They also work well as a probiotic. Moreover, they contain flavonoids, carotenoids, phenolic acids and other bioactive phytochemicals. Rice is low in protein but high in nutrients. When fermented, it contains a lot of calcium, iron and magnesium, and works as a probiotic.

Nut milk is perhaps the most popular option. Almonds contain a lot of monounsaturated fatty acids, protein, fiber, manganese, vitamin E, antioxidants and more, which makes this milk alternative the healthiest plant-based milk. It’s also considered to be the best-tasting plant-based milk. Coconut milk can increase high-density lipoprotein, thus contributing to lowering cholesterol levels. It’s also a great alternative to animal-derived milk when it comes to making dairy products or cooking dishes that should contain dairy.

Let’s highlight some important facts about plant-based milk and animal-derived milk (we’re using cow’s milk as an example of animal milk):

compare some plant-based milks to animal-derived milk

Coconut milk


  • Low in calories.
  • Tastes good.


  • No proteins.
  • Rich in saturated fats.

Soy milk


  • Rich in protein.
  • Can be part of a balanced diet.


  • Not everyone is a fan of the taste.
  • May be an allergen.

Almond milk


  • Can be part of a balanced diet.
  • Low in calories.
  • Tastes good.


  • Can be an allergen.

Rice milk


  • Almost the same caloric value as cow’s milk.
  • Works well for making fermented plant-based dairy.


  • Rich in sugar.
  • May make your diet lose its balance.

Plant-based milk concerns

The main concern is that industrial plant-based milks often contain quite a few undesirable ingredients such as preservatives, thickeners and sweeteners. They might cause issues for your digestive system. Pesticides and other things plants are often presented with might become a health hazard as plant-based milk is made. All that dangerous stuff will appear in your milk alternative. The best approach, in our opinion, is to make plant-based milk at home from ingredients that were checked for any harmful elements.

Also, remember that vegan milk is low in proteins, calcium and vitamin D. So if you decide to replace animal-derived milk with it, make sure to get enough of those micro and macronutrients from other foods or supplements.

The best plant-based milk for coffee

Now, let’s talk about the fun part: the taste. While everyone has their own favorite when it comes to flavor, plant-based milk hits differently when mixed with coffee in terms of both taste and texture. Also, different vegan milks behave differently when heated and introduced to the acidity of coffee.

Soy milk

Its taste is quite neutral, which is a good thing when it comes to adding it to your cup of coffee. It offers similar performance to animal-derived milk when heated. But it might curdle when presented with the acidity or the temperature of the coffee.

Almond milk

Its nutty and bitter taste can be a good addition to coffee. Almond milk adds a nice extra flavor, but due to the lower protein content, it’s quite watery. It can also split when added to coffee.

Coconut milk

This milk alternative is the best one in terms of texture. It’s creamy and dense, so it makes a good base for froth and foam. However, it’s quite sweet. That’s why those who love the acidic and bitter taste of coffee might not like adding coconut milk to their drink. Also, the bubbly foam of coconut milk fades quicker than that of animal-derived milk.

Oat milk

Taste-wise, this is the best partner for coffee thanks to its wheaty notes. It’s also rather thick and creamy, so it makes a good foam and stretches well. Unfortunately, it might curdle when combined with coffee.

Cashew milk

This milk alternative is quite expensive because of the priciness of cashew nuts. However, it is very similar to cow’s milk when it comes to creaminess. The nutty flavor complements the coffee quite deliciously, but it’s rather sweet, so if you love a bitter cup of coffee, cashew milk is not for you. The foam it creates is very bubbly and fades quickly while also having a “bubble bath” texture that many might find unpleasant.

Rice milk

It has a neutral taste that is good for not spoiling your favorite coffee. But rice milk is also quite watery, so if you’re craving an Americano with milk, add this alternative to espresso. This plant-based milk also performs poorly if you want to make some foam with it.

Final thoughts

Everyone should decide for themselves whether they want to stick to animal-derived milk or switch to vegan alternatives. It all comes down to your preferences in terms of diet and flavor. Plant-based milk can offer quite a lot of health benefits, but it all depends on the way a producer processes all those legumes, nuts, seeds or cereal.

As adamant lovers of homemade products, we want to encourage you to make your own plant-based milk at home—especially since it’s rather easy to make!